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Thai perennial varieties are available at the government's lowest price.

One of the features of this perennial mango is:

★ Three times a year and the number of mangoes per tree is quite high;
★ Each mango weighs about 5-6 grams each season.
★ Long varieties of mango ripe yellow color are balanced. When you see ripe mango it will feel like chemically ripe mango;
★ You have no fiber;
★ If the disease does not go away. No disease was found in the mango garden;
★ The mango taste of each season is fantastic;
★ The current wholesale market price of mango is 20-20 kg
★ At normal room temperature, this mango can be stored easily for up to 20-20 days.

       This america pioneer Jurinagar's businessman Nur Islam, who is a friend of Abul Kashem. Noor Islam in the traveling work collected a mango seedlings and handed it to Abul Qasim, hidden in the course of Thailand travel in 2010. On the request of Abul Kashem, Nour Islam collected this straw from Thailand, from Anand. Abul Qasim had already learned through such a news. Abul Kashem secretly cared for a single mango, and he was able to keep his eye on it. Later, after ensuring its overall value, it took the initiative to expand it. Initially, he used strict secrecy in this ammunition so that nobody could steal his patents. After coming to a profitable state, Abul Qasim released this quality for the public. At present, Abor kasem has 20 bighas of land in this mango. In his mango gardens, the mango and crowning ceremony and the Amabhanga trials, it seemed like this the mango season was full. A 2-kilometer drive from Jivanagar to Kaliganj, a large nursery of Abul Kasem, named "Nazmul Nursery", is still in the area of ​​Tetulia, east of the BGB camp, on the right side of the road, said Abul Kasem.

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